MapInspect questions & answers

Displays and analyzes genetic linkage maps
Question by Kathy D
August 17, 2020

I am very keen to try using MapInspect but cant work out how to format .map files for input. When I try to use help, I get a message saying "Cannot open file mapcomp.rtf". Any help on importing data into MapInspect would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

Unfortunately, without access to the specific help documentation for MapInspect, it is difficult to provide detailed instructions on importing data into the program. However, it seems like there may be an issue with the file "mapcomp.rtf" which is preventing the help documentation from opening. Double-check if the file is present in the appropriate location and try opening it separately using a suitable program such as a text editor or a word processor. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the MapInspect support team or community forum for assistance with formatting .map files for input.

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